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Spring Fling Rural Mural 2024

Spring Fling Rural Mural 2024

Celebrate Spring Fling 2024 with a trip to Stranraer’s latest public art pice, the Rural Mural (SFRM)

The design of the mural has been heavily influenced by Stranraer residents through various public engagement sessions and meetings with town groups and we, at Creative Stranraer, are so happy to have been involved in this exiting and impactful project.

This year, SPFM’s focus was community-based and centred around Stranraer. Recoat (Rthe Argyll-based street art duo) led on the project, bringing their invaluable experience to the painting and the community engagement. They paired up with local artist, Jennifer Buchanan to develop their ideas, talk to the community, deliver design-generating workshops, and merge their creative styles to create an incredible artwork for the benefit of the community with the final design being painted on the wall of the Boathouse in Agnew Park, Stranraer

Jennifer Buchanan (nee Hastie) is a local visual artist living and working in Stranraer.

Jennifer grew up near the WWII airstrip, West Fruegh, surrounded by abandoned watch towers, ground-shaking from target practice along the beach, burned-out planes, and telecommunications systems. Her work naturally began to focus on the obsolescence of one of the most significant historic periods in human history; looking at buildings, machinery, and technology that was once vital and is now forgotten.

This obsession with history and the preservation of its memory evoked the idea of legacy, i.e. when we leave this world, what is left and who will remember, and led Jennifer to explore this in her work.

Focusing on local history that has disappeared, been distorted or that was not documented and will naturally be forgotten in years to come, Jennifer is interested in producing work that could withstand time and preserve images for posterity to focus on the connection we have to places, people and the memories they hold. 

Mural Location:
The Boat House, Agnew Park, Stranraer, DG9 7JZ

Access & Parking:
The mural can be accessed via a tarmacked path around the building. Free parking is available at Agnew Crescent Car Park.

What do you think of the mural?

For more information about SFRM and those involved visit their website here:

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